
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Get You Through The Holidays

Whether you practice every day, three times or once a week, maintaining your yoga practice this time of year can be difficult. There are parties, busy work days, travel and over-all hectic scheduling that can pull you away from your mat. The problem is, many of us can get stressed this time of year, and lose sight of what the holidays are really about. More than ever, our yoga practices are enormously important to keep us sane. It’s been proven that yoga can reduce stress and adapt our brains to think more level-headed. If that’s not a perfect recipe for the holidays, I don’t what is.

But let’s acknowledge, that yes, it’s hard. Consistently making it to your mat is the most important — and yet one of the hardest — things to do. Over the years, I’ve come to find little tips and tricks to keep my yoga practice consistent no matter what the external forces may be. Here are five tips from what I’ve learned to help ensure that you get those Ananias in:

…But before we dive in, a big thank you to my gorgeous model. Candace is a yoga teacher in the Philadelphia area, and she’s full of amazing spirit.

Tip One: Set up a yoga area at home and leave it there

Find a space in your house where you can build a little yoga area. Lay out your mat, keep your blocks set up, and have some incense nearby. It’s much easier to make yourself hit the mat if it’s there ready and waiting. It’s even better if it’s at home because then you don’t have to go anywhere to actually get your yoga in. It’s also especially handy if you like to do early morning yoga. You can easily wake up and wander to your mat, letting yourself fully awaken as you settle in with your breath and begin moving your body.

Tip Two: Get a space heater

In most states, December is cold. It makes you want to do, well, nothing. To overcome that, I have a little space heater set up near my yoga mat, and I turn it on 5-10 minutes before I hit the mat. By the time I come back into the room, the space is nice and warm. It’s like a little escape from winter, and makes the yoga practice that much more sweet. Not to mention you’ll really get a sweat going once you get into it.

Tip Three: Sign up for a streaming service

With all the crazy scheduling and travel this time of year, it can be hard to make your yoga studio’s schedule fit with your own. That’s why streaming services are a great supplement to your class regimen. Late at night, or in a hotel room — you can pull them up whenever and wherever you’d like. Most only cost $10-$15 a month, so you won’t be breaking the bank, and you may even be incentivized to get in more yoga than you did before. Some streaming services that are great to check out include Udaya, My Yoga Works, and YogaGlo.

Tip Four: Take a minute to plan your week

I find it’s much easier to get in yoga when I pre-plan which days I should do it. Do yourself a favor, and sit down on Sundays to think through what’s coming up over the next seven days. Plan which days you will hit your mat, and then try your hardest to stick with it. Be sure you’re not just filling every free moment with yoga though. Be realistic. Planning your week also involves making time for socializing and down time. Every life needs balance.

Tip Five: Shorten your practice

Some days, you just won’t be able to get in those juicy, sweaty 90 minutes. That’s ok. Just 15 minutes of yoga is better than nothing. Even sitting cross-legged on your mat and doing breath work is beneficial for the mind. Sometimes you’ll plan to do 20 minutes, and you’ll end up doing 60 once you get going. Whatever you have time for, do it. The important thing is getting on your mat.

 I hope that this post is helpful to keep you yoga-ing all month long. But maybe you have something to share as well. Tell us, how do you maintain your practice through the holidays? Please leave your tips in the comments below!

Monday, November 12, 2018

Improve your life, Change your Behavior.

Improve your life-

We all want to be the best “self” we can be. However, sometimes there are behaviors and habits that get in the way of our personal and professional success. Is there a behavior that is consistently getting in the way of your best self in the workplace?  What behavior would you change if you had the opportunity?
For many professional women, the answers may include:
  • Time Management
  • Holding Boundaries
  • Perfectionism
  • Lack of Structure
  • Desire to Please
  • Overvalue Expertise (thinking we have to be an “expert” on something before we can lead an initiative or have an opinion)
  • Conflict Avoidance
  • Over-analysis
  • Fear of Criticism
  • Procrastination
  • Fluctuating Self-Confidence/Imposter Syndrome
While these behaviors are certainly not limited to women, research and my own coaching practice shows that many women professionals struggle with one or more of these behaviors. If you recognize one of the items of this list as a behavior that you need to address, welcome to a not very exclusive club.
Good news: You CAN change big behaviors like the ones listed here or others you may have identified. Bad news: It takes time. And patience.
The first step you have already done: identify a behavior you want to change. The second step: List all the smaller behaviors you have in place that support this larger behavior. For example, if you think you are struggling with time management, think about how you run or organize meetings. Do you use and stick to an agenda? Do you keep a loose schedule with no set blocks for work? Do you have an open door policy that does not permit you to get work done?
Typically, leaders have a series of habits that support the overall behavior they want to address. I say habits because most of these smaller behaviors are repeated over and over throughout the day or week. They are repeated so often they become a reflex. So, to begin to change a BIG behavior like Time Management, you have to think about all the smaller habits you have in place that support your overall struggle with getting it all done in a day.
The next step: start tackling the larger behavior by making a change to one of the supportive habits. For example, if you are struggling with perfectionism and know that you have to review each email you craft at least four times, aim to reduce the review cycles to two. Instead of tackling the big behavior all at once, start by tackling the smaller habits that enable the overarching behavior.
If you need help with exactly how to change a habit, here is a quick tip:
  1. Find two colleagues or workplace friends and enlist their help.
  2. State the habit you want to change simply and quickly. For example:
    1. I want to stop interrupting people.
    2. I want to be sure my meetings end on time.
    3. I want to reduce the amount of time it takes me to respond via email.
    4. I want to be on time to my appointments.
    5. Ask each person for 2 ideas on how you can improve in this area.
    6. Say only “Thank you.” You do not want to get defensive or address any of the suggestions. Just jot down the advice and say “thank you.” Seriously. Do not respond or pontificate. “Thank you” is plenty.
    7. Ponder the advice you have received. And, then try at least one of the ideas. The point here is to get out of your head and try something new (since the habit you have identified that you want to change is not working).
Changing an engrained behavior that no longer works for you can be hard – but it can happen. And, it will happen if you tackle the challenge just one habit at a time!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

2.4 million people could die from superbugs by 2050 if urgent action is not taken to stop antimicrobial resistance

2.4 million people could die from superbugs by 2050 if urgent action is not taken to stop antimicrobial resistance, says a report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

A recent report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) said that millions of people in Europe, North America and Australia will die from superbug infections unless governments took urgent steps to stop one of the biggest threats faced by modern medicine.
The world could be facing disastrous consequences in public healthcare and spending unless hygiene in hospitals was boosted and unnecessary antibiotic use cut down drastically.
In 2015, drug-resistant bacteria killed more than 33,000 in Europe, says a media report. The OECD said 2.4 million people could die from superbugs by 2050 and said the cost of treating such infections would balloon to an average of $3.5 billion (three billion euros) a year in each country.
The report recommends taking simple hygiene measures such as washing one’s hand and prescribing of antibiotics conservatively. Enhancing rapid testing to ensure patients are given appropriate drugs was also recommended.
It is said that due to the increasing consumption of antibiotics -- either through prescriptions or agriculture and livestock products – bacterial strains that resist the effects of drugs designed to kill them are developing rapidly.
The report said that in low and middle-income countries, resistance is already high. In India, the largest consumer of antibiotics, the Antibiotic Growth Promoters (AGP) used in feed are widely available with manufacturers, veterinary medicine dealers, or even sold online. In fact, India is yet to ban non-therapeutic antimicrobials.
In Indonesia, Brazil and Russia, up to 60 per cent of bacterial infections are already resistant to at least one antibiotic, say media reports. Considering the growth of AMR infections is predicted to be between four and seven times faster by 2030 than currently, the report warns that this can create conditions for an enormous death toll that will be mainly borne by new-borns, very young children and the elderly.
It is possible that even small cuts in the kitchen, minor surgery or diseases like pneumonia could become life-threatening, added the report. Worse is the possibility that by 2030, resistance to so-called 2nd- and 3rd-line antibiotics will evade by 70 per cent.

Women need personal extra health care

Women need to take extra care when they cross the age of 30 years. Ailments which are common in women are depression, anxiety, anemia, osteoporosis, migraine, weight gain and weakness. These ailments start with simple symptoms but if not taken proper care in the beginning itself can cause extreme damage later. Keeping in view women’s busy schedule, we are here suggesting some simple and easy natural health tips for women.

1.    Avoid stress: The more you avoid stress, better it is for your mental and physical health.

(i) Develop a hobby. It will divert your attention from stress and save you from having negative thoughts coming to your mind.
(ii) Get a pet. You need to do active chores in maintaining your pets. Like walk the dog, play with cat, or clean a birdcage. These will keep you physically active and contribute in having decreased anxiety, happy mood and lower blood pressure.

(iii) Face-to-face interaction: Social networking, like face book and e-mails are good means to keep in touch, but actually seeing people and interacting with them works as a better stress buster.

(iv) Be happy: Happier types are less likely to fall sick.

2.    Sex & Birth Control Actions: Get yourself educated about sex and birth control measures and its side effects.

(i) Treat Orgasm as another vitamin “O”, it release hormones that contribute to your emotional well-being and boost your immune system. Schedule it as per your needs.

 (ii) Avoid being unfaithful. If you are not faithful, use condoms. They don’t protect you 100% from all STDs, but they are the best.

(iii) Consult your gynecologist without any delay if you experience any abnormalities in your sexual activities. Don’t self-diagnose, if you have any unusual sex-symptoms, such as any irregularity in mensuration cycle, consult your doctor.

 3.   Strengthening of bones: Take enough amount of calcium in your diet to save you from osteoporosis, as women are prone to weakening of bones.

4.   Take care of your skin: If your skin is healthy and glowing you will feel good and remain in happy mood.

 5.   Regular health checkup:  Have a monthly or yearly medical check-up depending upon your age. It will save you from health problems later in life.

6.   Stay fit with regular exercise: Follow an exercise routine depending upon availability of  free time. It has many benefits, such as, developing a strong body, reduction in your stress level, make your bones and joints strong.

(i) Get yourself into the habit of exercising. Exercises are easier to do when you are in your twenties than in thirties later, as the metabolism slows down with age.

(ii) Avoid elevators, walk up and down stairs.

(iii) Every activity is an exercise, even brushing your teeth.

(iv) You can also try Pranayama, breathing exercises and Yoga to keep yourself healthy and improve your immune system.

7.   Control your weight: This is very essential to avoid many diseases and keep your self- esteem high.

(i) Think in % not in pounds. If you are overweight, losing just 5 to 10 % of your body weight contribute to reducing your health risks.
(ii) Try to feel full with fewer calories. This you can make possible by having foods that contain either higher water, like fruits, vegetables or healthy proteins. Feeling full depends on volume and not calories.

8.   Regular sufficient sleep: A sound sleep is an indication of good health. Plan for a regular sleep schedule. Avoid doing things that require you to be alert and awake at your sleeping time.

(i) Set alarm for the time at which you have to actually wake up. Intruding your sleep cycle to press snooze button will keep you dazed even after extra rest.

(ii) Keep your room dark at sleeping time.

9.   Drink lots of water: Consume sufficient water every day, about 8 to 10 glass of water for an adult woman.
10. Healthy eating habits: Develop following healthy eating habits:

(i) Start your day by eating a big healthy breakfast.

(ii) If you are working take lunch from home instead of eating out.

(iii) Consume more fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, food rich in fiber, seeds, shoots, cereals, lots of multicolored vegetables and fruits.

(iv) Have balanced diet high in proteins and low in fats and carbohydrates. Consume low fat dairy products.

(v) Restrict the consumption of saturated fats, like cheese, red meat, etc.

(iv) Calcium rich diet is also necessary for women as they are prone to suffer from osteoporosis after menopause.

(v) Opt for whole grain foods instead of processed ones.

(vi) Restrict consumption of fried foods and sugary products.

(vii) Reduce consumption of salt. Half of women over 45 years have high blood pressure and sodium consumption contributes to high blood pressure.

(viii) Iron, calcium and vitamin D are very essential for women, so include foods that are rich in them.

(ix) Include lot of berries, as they are rich in vitamin C

(x) Be global while eating. Spices such as cinnamon and turmeric used in Indian and Thai cuisines add flavor and have health benefits, like fighting cancer.

(xi) Never go for crash diet as it can make you depressed. Nourish your body to nourish your mind.

It is suggested to the females that they follow above ten natural health tips for women from an early age to keep them healthy in their later years.

A vaccine to prevent acne?

Acne and adolescence go hand in hand. But researchers say these skin lesions might become a torment of the past if preliminary tests of an experimental vaccine pan out.
So far, the vaccine has only been tried on animals and human skin samples. It uses antibodies to target a toxin secreted by the bacteria responsible for acne, explained study author Chun-Ming Huang. He's a professor of dermatology at the University of California, San Diego.

Positive results

Potentially, such a vaccine could help the 85% of US teens and more than 40 million American adults suffering with the lesions, scars and emotional stigma of acne, he added. Local research has shown that it is equally prevalent in South Africa.

Huang said his team is "actively seeking a company to work with us to conduct a clinical trial".

According to Huang, "The efficacy of this vaccine has been validated in human acne biopsies. It works to reduce inflammation in acne lesions."

If the results of clinical trials are positive, it's possible the vaccine could be available "within three to five years", he said.

Current treatments – such as skin creams, antibiotics or systemic retinoids – often provoke unpleasant side effects, such as extreme skin dryness and irritation, according to background notes with the study.

Antibodies that eliminate the toxin

For many skin-pocked teenagers and adults, the frustration and shame of uncontrolled acne has been linked to a higher risk for clinical depression and suicide or suicidal thoughts.
The proposed acne vaccine focuses on acne-causing bacteria that is common on human skin, the study authors explained. This bacteria – known as P. acnes – releases a toxin known as CAMP. In theory, the vaccine works by generating antibodies that eliminate this toxin.
"Once the toxin is neutralised, inflammation in the acne lesion will be suppressed," Huang said.
Testing with mice and human skin samples showed that the vaccine "significantly diminishes" both P. acnes "colonisation" and inflammation. Whether such success can be replicated by direct administration to people remains to be seen, however.
Nevertheless, Huang suggested that acne vaccines that are "bacteria-specific" should mean side effects would be minimal.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

5 Yoga Poses to Start Your Day

If you are anything like myself you may be able to wake up early, but it’s hard to get out of bed. Or maybe you are not a morning person at all and you have to set five alarms just to make it to work on time.  If you are rolling over to your cellphone to check social media before getting out of bed you may be setting yourself up for a day full of fatigue. Try starting your day off with these morning stretches instead. These can all be done from the comfort of your bed and will awaken the body for the day ahead!

 1. Full Body Stretch: As you awaken your body from sleep, start to wiggle your fingers and toes just as you do when coming out of Savanna. Lay flat on your back and extend your arms up over head. Stretch through your entire body from your fingertips down to your toes. You may even point and flex your feet to bring awareness into your body. Many of us sleep on our sides in a fetal position. Taking a full body stretch activates each part of our body for movement and sends a signal to our brain that it is time to wake up

 2. Neck Rolls: Neck rolls may release tension in your neck and shoulders and are a great way to slowly awaken the body to movement. Start seated in Susannah (or crossed leg pose). If it is hard for you to sit cross legged then sit on the side of your bed with your feet on the floor as you would sit in a chair. Root down through your sit bones and elongate your spine. Begin with your head straight and gaze forward. You can choose to have the eyes open or closed. Lower your chin toward your chest and roll your head to one side, right or left. Then roll it center again with your eyes facing the floor; stretching the back of your neck. Roll your head to the other side and then back to center, lifting your chin parallel with the floor. Only circle the neck in the range of motion that feels comfortable for you. Repeat this twice more, keeping your breath smooth and steady.
 3. Shoulder Rolls: This is a great stretch to awaken stiff upper back and shoulder muscles in the morning as well as to combat the hours to come, sitting at your desk. Start seated in Susannah (cross leg pose) or seated at the edge of your bed with your feet on the floor. Sit up tall by elongating from your sit bones, through the spine and up through the crown of the head.  Start by simply shrugging your shoulders up towards the ears and taking them back and down creating a circular motion – do this several times. Now try placing your fingertips onto the top of your shoulders. Move your elbows in towards each other and then take them back out to the side so your thoracic spine also benefits from the movement. Just as we did for our neck rolls, repeat this motion several times breathing smoothly.

 4. Seated Cat-Cow or Spinal Flexes: The benefit of cat-cow pose is that it brings focus to your mind by coordinating breath with movement. Remaining seated, bring your hands on to your knees and sit up tall. Take a deep breath in and on your exhale move the abdominal back, roll your shoulders forward, move your head down and round your back for cat pose. On your inhale lift the chest, roll the shoulders back, move your thoracic spine in toward your chest and take your head back slightly to cow pose. Continue moving back and forth between cat-cow allowing the breath to guide the body. Starting your day off by breathing consciously and moving your spine allows the mind to start clearer and with purpose.
 5. Cat-Cow from Table Top: Start on the floor on all fours in table top position with your shoulders over your wrists, your hips over your knees and a neutral spine. Spread your fingers nice and wide and plant your hands down firmly. Take a deep breath in and out to prepare the body for motion. On your next inhale, move your chest forward between your arms, and gently take your gaze up, coming into cow. On your exhale scoop the navel toward the spine, release your head down and gaze toward your abdomen, coming into cat. Move back and forth, slowly between these positions several times. Let your pace be guided by your breath. Moving between cat-cow not only warms up your spine and energizes you for the day ahead, but also massages the internal organs including the adrenal glands, which help regulate metabolism and how stress effects the body.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Healthy Food


Definition: Abalone is a common name for any of a group of small to very large edible sea snail. The flesh of abalones is widely considered to be a desirable food, and is consumed raw or cooked in a variety of cultures. Meat ( foot muscle) of abalone is used for food, and the shells of abalone are used as decorative items and as a source of mother of pearl for jewelry, buttons etc.

Benefits: Good for skin & to maintain youthfulness - Rich in phosphorus & radium - Enhances a sense of happiness, fun, liveliness- Reduces ricks of Cancers.



Definition: A banana is an edible fruit, botanically a berry. Bananas are in the shape of a long curving cylinder. The bottom end narrows to a point and the top end has a thick stem that attaches the fruit to the inflorescence stalk. Banana makes great bread, muffins, pudding, cream pies, cakes and smoothies.

Health: People with high blood pressures must have bananas regularly, as this unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect food for helping to beat blood pressure. High in fibre, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal blew action, helping to overcome the problem without restoring to laxatives. Eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40% Wow, now that's what we call a life saver. Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body so if you suffer from heart-burn, try eating a banana for soothing relief. Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and crisps. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods (such as bananas) every two hours to keep levels steady. Geeling lethargic, weak? Grab a banana. High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood ans so help in cases of anemia. The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronic ulcer cases. It also neutralists over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

Benefits: Caloric dense fruit - one banana through the day makes one feel energetic - Good source of potassium & magnesium - improves digestive health - Meets more than one-third of vitamin B6 daily need 


Definition: Apple is the fruit from an apple tree. The apple tree is a deciduous tree in the rose family best known for its sweet, pomaceous fruit, the apple. Apples are an important ingredient in many dessert, such as apple pie, apple crumble, apple crisp and apple cake. They are often eaten baked or stewed, and they can also be dried and eaten or reconstituted for later use. People eat apples as a normal part of the diet, but apples are also used as medicine.

Benefits: Chewing an apple stimulates production of saliva - New study shows that drinking apple juice could keep Alzheimer's away - Protects against Parkinson disease - Lowers cholesterol levels - Rich source of soluble fiber.

Tips: Apple is widely used to treat acne and dark spots. Acne can be easily treated by applying apple and honey  mask. Apple helps in removing whiteheads, blackheads and oil leaving a glowing face. Pistachios contain a considerable amount of essential fatty acids which are vital for maintaining a healthy, glowing complexion. Including green apples in your routine diet help you ensure a robust, radiant skin all the time



Definition: A coconut is the fruits of the coconut palm, coconuts are different from any other fruits because they contain a large quantity of water and when immature he are know as tender- uts or jelly-nuts and may be harvested for drinking. The oil and milk derived from it are commonly used in cooking and friyng, coconut oil is also widely used in soaps an cosmetics.

Health: For excessive bouts of thirts attacks in cholera, a glass of cucumber juic and tender coconut water consumed very hour quenches the thirst effectively and restores the electrolyet liquid balance in dehydration.

Benefits: Helps in blood circulation - coconut controls acidity - Best for acne & blackheads - Rich source of fiber - Reduces risk of cancer & diabetes - Helps in digestion - Is antiviral & antifungal.

Tips: Lemon mixed with few drops of coconut water makes an excellent clarifying moisturizer. Both together hydrate and brightens the skin. Mulberry leaves can be used to treat extremely dry skin by steeping them in coconut or olive oil for a few days and applying the oil onto your skin. Cytokinins, kinetin and trans-zeatin present in coconut have anti thrombotic, anti-carcinogenic and anti-ageing effects on the body. Coconut is often used in the form of oil in the cosmetic industry to improve the health and appearance of the skin and hair.

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